I believe that it is my calling in life, my purpose, to help others find Connection with and Belonging to themselves and the Universe

My Story

In late 2019 my corporate day job had become very unfulfilling due a micromanaging boss and a nagging sense of not being able to make an impact on people’s lives. One of the few things I was doing that was making an impact on people was organizing a series of communication and leadership workshops for the Directors I worked with. In a workshop focused on making change the facilitator asked “what’s something you want to change about yourself in the next year?” Something unexpected and unplanned popped out of my mouth: “I want to get really good at coaching”. I had just started to learn about coaching and had a feeling that this was something that came naturally to me, but I hadn’t said it out loud. I surprised myself and it felt very vulnerable, but oh so right. Now I had announced it to myself and this group of Directors and if one thing is important to me, it’s keeping my word.

And yet… who was I to claim this amazing gift?!

Shortly after this the COVID-19 pandemic gifted me with time to be at home, be introspective, learn new things about myself and this skill and business that I wanted to develop for myself. The years of Covid were revelatory for me. I earned a diploma in Life Coaching from Awaken Your Life, with incredible self-practice and transformation along the way. I started a business, practiced coaching, set goals, discovered my dharma, developed a vibrant creative practice. My relationships deepened, and I found many new deeply fulfilling friendships. I’ve been coached by many amazing and transformational coaches and teachers. I defined my values and learned how to live them every day.

I Connected with myself on a deeper level than ever before and found…

true Belonging…

to myself

In 2023 I was laid off from a long career in a job I had mostly enjoyed from a brand where I had found a home.  This has presented to me the next level in my personal growth.  Finding who I am away from a very comfortable identity as a corporate ladder climber and earner; connecting with a creative community outside of a brand; building my coaching and creative exploration businesses within the life that I am intentionally crafting for myself.

The journey to Connection and Belonging to myself continues…

Education & Training

2024 thru current - Creative Connection Experience: creative workshop series in collaboration with Michelle Gay, built for the purpose of exploring the connection between self and creative expression

2021 thru current - Lucy Nobles Life Coaching

2021 - Accredited Diploma in Coach Training from Awaken Your Life

1999 - B.S. in Business Administration from CSU Chico

2001-2023 - adidas Design & Creative Direction: Studio Operations, Design Community + Culture Senior Program Manager

2019-2023 - adidas Mentor Circle Mentor: Strengths-based Growth; Connection Circle

Teachers & Influences

Andrea Leda / Awaken Your Life:

AYL has transformed my life and is where I learned the foundations of coaching. Andrea’s coaching has unlocked so many mysteries inside my heart and mind and I will be forever grateful.

Susan Clark / Heartspark:

Showed me how to find the magic in the Universe, and the gifts that are unique to me.

All my sister and brother coaches:

I learn so much from them and admire them so much. They have welcomed me into their circle with open arms and have danced in the dark with me.

My mom:

My first teacher and where all my empathy, compassion, and creativity comes from.

My grandfather:

Set the bar so high, but was always there to help me up when I needed it and whom I’ve always tried to make proud.

My daughter:

I’m sure was sent to me for a reason and I’m eternally grateful for her instruction, even when its painful. Who also planted early seeds of coaching in me.


My first client. Whose faith and trust in me was the first brick in the foundation of trust that I’ve built in myself. Whose friendship is everything to me.

All the self help authors:

Brene Brown, Louise Hay, Tara Brach, on and on… you’ve helped and healed me. Thank you.

All the fiction writers:

Marion Zimmer Bradley, Louise Erdrich, Barbara Kingsolver, on and on… you’ve given me magical, wonderful new worlds and ways of seeing the world.